This month, Lux Beauty Gallery had Saudi allure on full display. Having launched first in Riyadh, the Gallery then moved to Dammam, only to have the West coast city of Jeddah as its final destination this week. With acclaimed experts in fashion, hair, and makeup, the occasion marked one of the first events to be dedicated to a comprehensive look into Arabian beauty.Visitors had the rare opportunity of meeting and obtaining insightful advice from celebrated makeup artist Inas Hammoud, Egyptian hair care expert Roma Rizk and celebrated Saudi fashion designer Wed Bogari.“My friends and I explored every corner of the Gallery, and we were amazed by the various elements of beauty showcased here,” remarked 30-year-old visitor, Najla Mouhammad.Haifa Abdulaziz, another visitor, added: “This event is an important source of information related to beauty care for Saudi women. I value the insights of these experts regarding hair, makeup and fashion, because they are well acquainted with our traditions, culture, climate and facial features.”Rizk welcomed questions asked by visitors, which were mostly focused on hair problems specific to Saudi women. She also offered general hair care tips.“The use of keratin was one of the widely discussed issues,” revealed Rizk. “It really makes me wonder how this substance has become a prevailing trend for several women who are not aware about the risks of its usage.”In the section dedicated to cosmetics, a congregation of women, wanting accurate and clear answers on how to apply makeup according to one’s skin type, gathered to get expert advice from Hammoud who demonstrated on both models and visitors.“I’m pleased to see such excitement from Saudi women who are well educated about makeup and its different types,” stated Hammoud. “I also discovered that there is lot of local talent in this field.”Visitors complimented Hammoud’s renowned concept of “Show Makeup.” “This concept is missing in Saudi Arabia, but it has become a very important trend in fashion shows and fashion photo-shoots. It is marked by certain features and elements drawn from the world of makeup,” said Hammoud.
Yet, without a doubt, the main attraction was the nightly fashion shows. Visitors sat entranced as models strutted down the runway in the new Lux Collection, designed by Bogari. The show featured 20 of her haute couture designs created especially for the occasion, making her the first designer from the Kingdom to join Lux’s international panel of fashion experts. With a classic color palette composed of black, white and gray and designs of dentelle, satin and silk, her collection was both modern and feminine.“I liked Bogari’s collection. It was marked by simplicity and elegance, yet came across as very luxurious,” commented Sana Abdul Jabbar, a university student.Bogari, who has been designing clothes for the past 11 years, is based in Jeddah. Since the beginning of her career, Bogari has focused on designing evening dresses and gowns, earning her the admiration of fashionistas across the Middle East. Recently, she designed a chic gown for Lebanese singing sensation, Haifa Wehbe.
Jeddah’s community of fashionistas were given a special treat, as the designer presented them with her other collections. “I’m very pleased to cooperate with Lux and be the first Saudi Arabian fashion expert to join their international lineup of designers,” stated Bogari.Talking about her design concepts, she said Saudi women are very much aware of the newest trends in fashion and style. “They share a preference for simplicity and elegance when it comes to evening dresses.”A creation of Bogari in creamy-white from the Lux Collection earned the admiration of many visitors. “We were debating on which of the two designs would be dubbed as the ‘Lux design’ for the event,” confessed Bogari. “I chose the creamy-white creation, as it adds to the charm of Saudi women. Its glamour adds to the beauty of the person who wears it, and that is what I look for from my designs: the ability to accentuate the inner beauty and radiance of the user by reflecting her spirit and intelligence.” – Arabnews