Colin Firth has been honoured at the Screen Actors Guild awards in Los Angeles, along with the cast of period drama The King’s Speech.”I’d like to thank security for letting me into the building,” joked Firth as he picked up his latest accolade.Along with the best actor prize, The King’s Speech also won the overall acting ensemble prize – the guild’s equivalent of a best picture award.Tom Hooper’s film was also feted at the Directors Guild awards this weekend.The British film-maker won the outstanding directorial achievement award at Saturday’s event, further boosting his movie’s Oscar chances on 27 February.Last week Firth was nominated for an Oscar, along with his King’s Speech co-stars Geoffrey Rush and Helena Bonham Carter.The King’s Speech received 12 nominations in total – more than any other picture this year, and more than any British independent film to date.At the Screen Actors Guild awards on Sunday, Natalie Portman was named best actress for her role in ballet drama Black Swan.Welsh-born actor Christian Bale was honoured for his supporting role in boxing drama The Fighter, with co-star Melissa Leo receiving the female equivalent.Winners in the television categories included Steve Buscemi, named best actor in a drama series for his work in crime serial Boardwalk Empire.The Martin Scorsese production was also honoured for its ensemble cast, which includes Liverpudlian Stephen Graham and Scottish actress Kelly Macdonald.Julianna Margulies was named best actress in a drama series for the second year running for her role in The Good Wife.Alec Baldwin was named best comedy actor for the fifth straight year for US sitcom 30 Rock – BBC