Federal Law Minister Babar Awan lashed out at leader of opposition in the National Assembly, Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, for making statements against President Zardair Sindh.Addressing to a press conference in Islamabad, responding the press conference of Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan, Babar Awan said that we are political people and make political statements but it seems that Chaudhry Nisar wants to send his leader Nawaz Sharif back to Jeddah.The masterminds of attack on the Supreme Court talk about the freedom of the judiciary these days, said Babar. He said asked the Jiyalas to remain calm regarding Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan’s comments about Bakhtawar and Benazir Bhutto in his press conference.Babar said that a gentleman cannot make such statement but Chaudhry Nisar can talk like this.He said that Nawaz Sharif fled the country after a forgiveness deal which was signed by all the Sharif family members – Dunyanews