At least seven bodies were recovered on Monday from Manghopir area whereas a superintendent of police (SP) was gunned down in Korangi area. All seven bodies found near Manghopir’s Ijtima Ground were bearing torture marks. The victims had their hands and legs tied with ropes.
According to police sources, the victims were shot in the head as well as in the chest. The bodies which have not been identified yet, were shifted to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital. Also a superintendent of police (SP) was shot dead by unidentified men in Korangi’s Bilal Colony. The victim was shifted to Jinnah hospital. Karachi, the largest metropolitan city of Pakistan, is riddled with targeted killings, gang wars, kidnappings for ransom, extortion and terrorism. Targeted operations led by Rangers’ forces with the support of police are ongoing in the city under a directive issued by the federal government against criminals already identified by federal, military and civilian agencies. -dawn